Super Car Drives Brisbane

Supercar Drives Brisbane

about us

Supercar Drives Brisbane prides itself on providing a highly professional, seamless automotive driving experience. We don't just want to be different from other cool car experience companies - we want to downright impress you. To that end, the cornerstones of our philosophy - and why you'll see we're unlike anyone else out there - are these...

Our Philosophy

Integrity - We are a real company with real cars, real employees, and real facilities. We are not brokers, middlemen, shucksters, hucksters, or anything but fun guys (and gals) who love cars. And most importantly - we own & maintain every vehicle in our fleet. That means we do not rent cars from private owners or "swap" with other supercar companies.

Legitimacy - Ever wonder why other automotive experience companies don't list an address on their website? It's because they don't have one. We have professionally-staffed facilities that are open to the public - you can visit us and see, touch, smell (but probably not taste) our fleet of amazing automobiles. We're as real as it gets.

Variety - We know that not everyone wants to spend $1000s per day to drive one of our latest Supercars. That's why we offer a variety of exotic car experiences - from the 30 minute car experience to the Full Day multi-car Experience. Our goal is to give as many folks as possible the true cool car ownership experience.

Honesty - We run an honest, ethical business. We deeply value our great reputation and the satisfaction of every one of our clients, and we'll work to no end to uphold that. We also know that unforeseen events do come up - vehicles break down, customers are sometimes late to their experience, employees get sick - you get the gist. When things happen, we keep you informed and work as hard as humanly possible to make it all right.

Fun - We're car guys (and gals). We're not doing this to launder money, curry favor, or boost our own egos. We're in this business because we love cars and we love seeing the expressions on our clients' faces when we hand the keys over. We want to impart that sense of fun and enthusiasm on you at all times.

Value - Value - Yeah, we know, "value" isn't the first thing you think of when embarking on an cool car experience. But we understand the economics of this business and we're here to give you the best possible experience and service at the lowest possible price. We don't waste money but we also don't cut corners. Nor are we here to nickel-and-dime you -- we're not going to charge you if you show up 10 minutes late.

Transparency - Lots of people call and ask "what's the catch?" or "what am I missing?" There is no catch; it's all here on our website. There are no hidden fees, obscure taxes, or secret vehicles that we're keeping from you. You are seeing us as we are, and that's the way it should be.

Our Vehicles

Transparency – Lots of people call and ask “what’s the catch?” or “what am I missing?” There is no catch; it’s all here on our website. There are no hidden fees, obscure taxes, or secret vehicles that we’re keeping from you. You are seeing us as we are, and that’s the way it should be.Our warning still does (and always will) apply: Prepare to be the center of attention when you drive these cars. You will be gawked at. Grown men & women will coo like children when you drive past. Children will scream like babies. Dogs & cats will get along. Things will be weird – and you will love every single indulgent second of it.

Get behind the wheel of modern Supercar on the open road with one of our spectacular super cool car driving experience packages.

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